Player Duffel Bag

Size: S
Color: Eco Black
Eco Black

Road trip ready and built for the long-haul, the Player is perfectly suited to be your go-to gym bag. The roomy main compartment is ideal for stowing workout clothes and a light jacket. Approved for use on most major airlines, leverage the convertible luggage passthrough to attach to your wheeled carry-on and be on your way. Ready for the everyday or a quick weekend away. Play on player.


  • 900D Poly and Crinkle Nylon
  • Removable and adjustable shoulder strap
  • Nylon webbing handles for easy grab and carry
  • Side pocket converts to luggage passthrough
  • 100% recycled nylon and polyester from pre- and post-consumer materials



Yes. Depending on the quantity bulk pricing can be applied.

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Yes. Timbuk2 products can be sold undecorated. However, they do look awesome with some embroidery. 🙂

Yes, as long as it doesn't violate any policies set forth by Timbuk2.


We decorate Timbuk2 items with embroidery and printing.

However, embroidery is typically the best approach as printing can get scuffed off with abrasion over time.