Foundry Pack

Size: OS
Color: Jet Black
Jet Black

A premium waxed canvas and leather backpack, the Foundry is designed for daily commuting and the occasional out of office meeting. It meets all the workday standards of laptop protection and phone, cord, and key organization, and features a padded shoulder strap for easing heavy loads. Secure, silent magnetic closures offer a smarter way in and out of the main compartment, and a water bottle pocket expands because, why not. And for trips out of town, a clever slip pocket doubles as a luggage pass-through for attaching to a roller.


  • Luggage pass-through for attaching to your wheelie companion doubles as a slip pocket when not in use
  • Secure magnetic closure, clasps require down and out motion to open
  • Padded shoulder straps for optimum comfort
  • Internal organizer for pens, phones, and other small stuff
  • Iconic hex shaped beer tiki



Yes. Depending on the quantity bulk pricing can be applied.

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Yes. Timbuk2 products can be sold undecorated. However, they do look awesome with some embroidery. 🙂

Yes, as long as it doesn't violate any policies set forth by Timbuk2.


We decorate Timbuk2 items with embroidery and printing.

However, embroidery is typically the best approach as printing can get scuffed off with abrasion over time.