Classic Messenger Bag

Size: S
Color: Eco Black
Eco Black
Eco Gunmetal
Eco Nautical
Jet Black

From a dream to a sketch to a bag. And now ... an icon. It’s been over 30 years since Timbuk2's first messenger hit the streets in 1989, and they're moving its legendary design forward. From cleverly subtle to markedly substantial, every feature on the Classic Messenger Bag offers a better way to wear it, protect it and organize it.


  • Eco Cordura is made using recycled pre- and post-consumer materials
  • Weatherproof exterior and waterproof 70D TPU liner resist moisture
  • Aircraft-grade 6061 aluminum tri-glide buckle adjusts strap quickly
  • OrthoLite® foam strap pad provides lasting comfort and support
  • Switchable shoulder strap lets you choose right- or left-handed carry
  • Dual-side vertical-zip front pocket offers fast access to essentials (S, M, L)
  • Spacious interior with extra organization and dual water bottle pockets
  • Tech storage specs: X-Small: 11.5” tablet, Small: 14” laptop, Medium: 16" laptop, Large: 17" laptop



Yes. Depending on the quantity bulk pricing can be applied.

A team member can help with getting you the most accurate pricing by filling out the "Request an Estimate" option on any item on our website.

Please press the "Request an Estimate" button for any product on our website and fill out the information required. A team member will follow up promptly and get the process started.


Yes. Timbuk2 products can be sold undecorated. However, they do look awesome with some embroidery. 🙂

Yes, as long as it doesn't violate any policies set forth by Timbuk2.


We decorate Timbuk2 items with embroidery and printing.

However, embroidery is typically the best approach as printing can get scuffed off with abrasion over time.