Slacker Chest Pack

Size: OS
Color: Eco Black
Eco Black

Sometimes you need to keep things uncomplicated and simply tote around the essentials. The Slacker is ready, able, and certainly no slouch. The main compartment is perfect for storing your keys, cash, cards, and sunglasses. Around back, the padded air mesh panel provides both breathability and comfort. Wear it as a close to the vest crossbody or use the adjustable strap to convert it to a fanny pack. The choice is yours.old separately).


  • Convertible crossbody or fanny pack wearability
  • Reflective zipper pulls
  • In-pocket key keeper
  • Air mesh back panel for breathability and comfort
  • 100% recycled nylon and polyester from pre- and post-consumer materials



Yes. Depending on the quantity bulk pricing can be applied.

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Yes. Timbuk2 products can be sold undecorated. However, they do look awesome with some embroidery. 🙂

Yes, as long as it doesn't violate any policies set forth by Timbuk2.


We decorate Timbuk2 items with embroidery and printing.

However, embroidery is typically the best approach as printing can get scuffed off with abrasion over time.