The North Face - Ambition Polo

Color: SolarBlue
Size: S
The perfect blend of exceptional comfort and FlashDry performance, the Ambition Polo seamlessly transitions from the office to the great outdoors.
163 g/m2 100% recycled polyester
FlashDry technology, which rapidly pushes moisture to the surface to keep you dry, cool and comfortable
Self-fabric collar
Two-button placket
Dyed-to-match buttons
Set-in sleeves
Side vents for mobility
Contrast heat transfer The North Face logo on left sleeve and right back shoulder
BENEFITSRECYCLED CONTENT: Made from post-consumer, recycled content.



Yes. Depending on the quantity bulk pricing can be applied.

A team member can help with getting you the most accurate pricing by filling out the "Request an Estimate" option on any item on our website.

Please press the "Request an Estimate" button for any product on our website and fill out the information required. A team member will follow up promptly and get the process started.


No. The North Face items cannot be sold undecorated. They must be sold decorated. No exceptions.

No. The North Face requires pre-approval for the logo to be applied onto their product line. We will facilitate the approval process on your behalf.

No. You must decorate away from any of The North Face branding applied to the item.

For example, if the brand icon is on the front left chest, you would need to do the sleeve, right chest or upper back neck.


We decorate The North Face items with embroidery only.

We never print as the material is very delicate and can be affected by the print process. Given the fine fabrics and quality construction we choose not to print on The North Face items.